Going green may seem like a huge task, but with a few helpful tips going green is actually quite simple and can be very rewarding.
Recycling is probably one of the best and easiest ways to go green at home. Before throwing out any rubbish first consider what can be recycled. It will only take a few minutes and you will be amazed at how much of your rubbish can be recycled which means less rubbish in the bin.
Make Your Own Compost
A great way to go green is to take all of your kitchen waste and turn it into something useful. Eggshells, vegetable peels and tea bags are great things for the compost bin. This will mean there will be less waste to get rid of and you can make great rich soil to grow your veggies and herbs in.
Wash a Full Load
When doing laundry rather wait until you have a full load before washing. The same goes for the dishwasher, ensure that the dishwasher is full before turning it on. If your machine has energy efficient setting you should use it. Remember that saving energy means saving money.
Turn Down the Heat
Another way to save energy is to wash clothes at 30 degrees, which means using 40% less electricity each year. Washing at a lower temperature works well for clothes that are lightly soiled. For heavier stains you will have to wash in hot water. Once again saving on energy means saving money.
Energy Saving Light Bulbs
It may seem like a small change, but changing from standard light bulbs or halogens to energy saving bulbs can make a big difference in your electricity bill and also saves energy. Also turn lights off when you leave the room, or dim them when watching TV or enjoying NZ sports betting.
Be Prepared
Try to remember to keep shopping bags with you. Firstly it is expensive to buy bags and it just means extra waste being added to the environment.
Insulation Saves Money
Losing heat in a home not only wastes energy, but also means that heating bills will become very expensive. It is worth insulating your home. Most insulating materials are not costly and will definitely save money in the long run.
This will mean that your heating bill will be less costly. If your home is already insulated it may be worth considering adding another layer of insulation. Another way to save on your heating bill is to turn down the thermostat by even one degree, which will make a difference.
Conserve Water
Water is a precious commodity and we need to conserve it. Remember to fix leaking taps and pipes and to make sure taps are turned off when not in use. Also install low-flow showerheads and take shorter showers.